Okay. The scam artists initially run ads inmagazines that newcomers tend to read themost (like Entrepreneur, Income Opportunities, etc.).the ad says something similar to:"Make œ1,000's with classified ads. Freeinformation." Almost nybody would beintrigued by an ad like this. Theinformation is normally free or low-cost andthis generates hundreds of thousands ofresponses - including people who only sendaway for something free with never theintent to buy! Besides the scam artist wantsto find people who are desperate - peoplewho will do just about anything to makemoney. Scam artists ALWAYS entice you bycentering their entire programaround money (the root of all evil.)
When people respond to this classified ad,they receive a professionally- designedinformation package back in the mail. Thispackage is designed by marketingprofessionals for a pushy and hard-nosedsale. They get the newcomer excited. Theytell them that they can now pay for thechild's education, buy a new car, pay offold bills, take exotic vacations, and anumber of other things that appeals to theaverage guy or gal on the street.
While visions of sugarplums are dancing intheir heads, they are busy filling out theorder form and enclosing with their checkfor œ19.95, or whatever.
The mailings are timed precisely to arriveat the proper emotional time for the averageperson to react. (Believe me, there arepeople that make it their business to studythe reactions of human emotions in varioussituations in order to base a general hypothesis. They then report or sell thisinformation to marketing professionals whobase their entire marketing concept uponthese findings.)
After the newcomer has sent in his or herœ19.95, the scam artist is done with them.They wipe their hands of this beginner, labelthem as a "sucker" and move on to anotherfish in the sea. It's pitiful what money-making profits these nuts are actuallypassing up by continuing with this warped wayof thinking. They may be making œ100,000 perweek, but without working any harder (evenless), they could be making œ250,000 per weekor even 1 million a week. How? By simplybeing honest!
Remember, there are no set rules to followthat will guarantee you a million œ byrunning a few ads. Mail order is not a worldof opening your mail, taking money to thebank and taking exotic vacations. Believe me- I've been in the mail order business for 7years and I haven't been able to buy a yachtand take a Caribbean cruise yet with servantsfalling over themselves to appease me. Wake up!This is the real world folks!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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