Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Profit Potential of Being Honest

Look at the PROFIT potential of this newscenario. If you can't see it, let me pointit out for you:

(1) Any mail order dealer you haverecommended to these newcomers normally willrefer business to you also because they areappreciative of the new business you aresending to them. (It's no money out of yourpocket to refer them because you don't dealin the products and services anyway.)

(2) The newcomer who really is serious willactually make some money and they'll feelhappy about it. (Even if someone just gets aœ2 commission inthe mail, it's a thrillingexperience for the newcomer! It's not theamount of money that does the trick - it'sthe knowledge that they actually generatedsome cash on their own, without the aide of an employer. They'll feel good aboutthemselves and their abilities.)

(3) In turn - because these newcomers havemade a little money, they will tell othersabout it and bring new business to you. Sonot only do you benefit from word-of-mouthadvertising by the dealers themselves, butfrom the newcomers too. That means lots ofsaved money in advertising costs!

(4) And if you continue to provide supportservices so that some of these newcomersactually do make a living from mail order,they will remember you for the rest of theirlife. In fact, they'll stick to you like glueand be obligated to you because YOU showedthem a way to obtain the life they onlydreamed of.

And when you reach this point, you won't bea scam artist anymore. You'll be richfinancially and mentally!

How motivate those people and get them producing an income for themselves and YOU!

One simple way I recently found to motivateour members is by running ads for them freeof charge. The solution occurred because ithad come to a point that I no longer couldadvertise a lot of my own products since Icouldn't place myself in direct competitionwith people in my own programs.

Since I had designed the ads to sell these It not only benefits my members, but buildsthe program as well as my company. It's awin/win situation for everyone all the wayaround. The members are thankful that I amsupporting them by trying to help them andwill generate a more positive interest inworking the program themselves (therebycreating more advertising and exposure). Italso promotes honesty since members know thatwe are in no way trying to "cheat" them by"hogging" all the commission monies.

Another idea: If you sell mailing lists,don't "hog" all the good names for yourselfand give your members all the bad ones. ThisDOESN'T give you more money, it only cheapensyour operation. If a member of any programdoes not make some money - they will drop out- plain and simple! If you work for yourpeople and keep their interests in mind yourbusiness income will skyrocket!

Also, provide the newcomer with a list of100's of small, medium and large mail orderpublications to choose from. Encourage themto write the publisher and request a samplepublication before sinking money intoadvertising. Explain to them aboutcamera-ready ads and provide them with namesand addresses of mail order typesetters. Tellthem how print and mail works and give themnames and addresses of reliable businessesthat can do this work for them at a reasonable cost. Cover all the differentmethods of advertising this œ19.95information package and encourage them todevelop other products to add to their line.You know as well as I do that nobody makesany steady money selling only one item inmail order. It takes a lot of differentitems to appeal to a wide variety of tastes.

Explain to the newcomer about mailing listsand how to run inquiry ads to generate theirbase in-house list. Provide names andaddresses of legitimate people who providethis service and refer them to thesedealers.

How the Scam Artist Could Have Made More Money by Operating Honestly

Now let's examinehow this entire scenario could have beenturned around to benefit EVERYONE - includingthe scam artist:

Instead of the scam artist concentrating onlyon the initial order, if they took the timeto really help the newcomer make a few œ'sthey could cut their advertising budget by75% or more. Why? Because the people thatsucceeded in making their money back wouldadvertise their services by word-of-mouth andthey would be bombarded with more orders thanthey are getting now. To alter this program for the scam artist tobring him/her more money is easy and simple.Just provide the newcomer with instructionsthat tell the truth. Instead of giving thema word-for-word advertisement to run,encourage them to write their own - only using yours as an "example."

Explain the reason "why" they should developtheir own ads properly and how to code them.Give them a list of a wide variety ofpublications to advertise in. The publishersas well as the program participant willthank you with more repeat business than youknow what to do with.

And why don't more people take this simpleapproach? Probably because they are happywith the money they are making and feelbeing honest will cause them to make lessmoney. Nothing could be further from thetruth!

What is going on with the newcomer during all this?

Before we discuss how the scam artist couldmake a lot more money by being honest helpingthe newcomer - rather than ripping him/heroff and moving on; let's look at the otherside of the fence.

The newcomer has been hyped up to believehe/she is going to finally be able to buy a new car, send the kid's to college and makelots and lots of cash. During the period oftime they are waiting for their œ19.95package to arrive, they are busy spendingthis money in their heads. They emotionallybegin to develop hope in their future. Theylook around for ways to convince themselvesthat what they are feeling is genuine. Somemay even brag to their friends that theyfinally are going to make money like the bigboys by running classified ads for penniesand getting their mailbox stuffed withorders.

They have been primed by the media that youcan place a simple little ad and makeœ1,000's of pounds literally overnight. Thetelevision infomercials run stuff like thisall the time. Stay up late one Friday nightand you'll see what I mean. This is hardselling at it's finest!

About 10-15 days later, after the newcomerhas built up all this false hope inside,their package arrives. It is professionallooking and explains to them, step-by-stephow to make this fantastic and quick money.Still believing this information is the"real" thing, they will follow theinstructions given by the scam artist. Notuntil AFTER they pay money to run these adsdo they find out about the scam - and thiscould take 2 or 3 months in somepublications!

Most newcomers will be so embarrassed andhurt that they have been "taken" that theywill sink into depression and believe the entire mail order industry is a complete scam.Just think - they have told all their friendsabout this. They have been excited about allthis for 2 months now and the promise of hopebuilt up inside during that period of time isso high, they are totally devastated whenthey learn they've "been had." It's a pitifuland cruel joke played by the scam artist!

Most of these newcomers are so embarrassedthat they never demand their money back fromthe scam artist. Besides, the scam artist DIDprovide them with a product and a way to makemoney. The scam artist did NOT lie. Thenewcomer feels they were "dumb enough" tofall for this scam and will blame themselvesrather than fight for their money back. Theresult? The newcomer goes back to working the9-to-5 routine and we lose another hardworking, honest and trustworthy person thatwould be an asset to our industry.

Where The Scam Begins

Okay. The scam artists initially run ads inmagazines that newcomers tend to read themost (like Entrepreneur, Income Opportunities, etc.).the ad says something similar to:"Make œ1,000's with classified ads. Freeinformation." Almost nybody would beintrigued by an ad like this. Theinformation is normally free or low-cost andthis generates hundreds of thousands ofresponses - including people who only sendaway for something free with never theintent to buy! Besides the scam artist wantsto find people who are desperate - peoplewho will do just about anything to makemoney. Scam artists ALWAYS entice you bycentering their entire programaround money (the root of all evil.)

When people respond to this classified ad,they receive a professionally- designedinformation package back in the mail. Thispackage is designed by marketingprofessionals for a pushy and hard-nosedsale. They get the newcomer excited. Theytell them that they can now pay for thechild's education, buy a new car, pay offold bills, take exotic vacations, and anumber of other things that appeals to theaverage guy or gal on the street.

While visions of sugarplums are dancing intheir heads, they are busy filling out theorder form and enclosing with their checkfor œ19.95, or whatever.

The mailings are timed precisely to arriveat the proper emotional time for the averageperson to react. (Believe me, there arepeople that make it their business to studythe reactions of human emotions in varioussituations in order to base a general hypothesis. They then report or sell thisinformation to marketing professionals whobase their entire marketing concept uponthese findings.)

After the newcomer has sent in his or herœ19.95, the scam artist is done with them.They wipe their hands of this beginner, labelthem as a "sucker" and move on to anotherfish in the sea. It's pitiful what money-making profits these nuts are actuallypassing up by continuing with this warped wayof thinking. They may be making œ100,000 perweek, but without working any harder (evenless), they could be making œ250,000 per weekor even 1 million a week. How? By simplybeing honest!

Remember, there are no set rules to followthat will guarantee you a million œ byrunning a few ads. Mail order is not a worldof opening your mail, taking money to thebank and taking exotic vacations. Believe me- I've been in the mail order business for 7years and I haven't been able to buy a yachtand take a Caribbean cruise yet with servantsfalling over themselves to appease me. Wake up!This is the real world folks!


Dale Rolland, Mail Order Dealer of Nottinghamrecently reported on the scam for the "FailSafe Mail Order Plan" in his "Mail OrderDealer's Digest" newsletter. This is thatdeal where a newcomer is instructed to run aclassified ad selling a book for œ19.95. Thescam artist tells the newcomer the exactwords to use for the ad and where to run thead. But, as with all scams, the poor newcomergets burned to a crisp on this one too.

What happens is that the scam artist sellsthe SAME list of publications to everybody.All the same people get the same names so alleverybody ends up advertising in the SAMEpublication. The scam artists don't care if150 people advertise the same book in thesame publication because they made theirmoney off the sell of the information -notthe commissions from the sales of the book.

But this is one of those Legitimate ScamsI've talked about before. Let's break it downfor crystal-clear understanding. This way youmay be able to recognize a similar scam in thefuture and know why it is to your financialadvantage to help a newcomer and end up withriches beyond your wildest dreams: